What is ISO? History of ISO? Common ISO standards?

11 min readNov 17, 2020


If you’re a business owner, you’ve probably heard of ISO as well. But to get knowledge about ISO correctly, not everyone knows. Because there are many articles about ISO on the internet, but the origin of the ISO problem is that few pages mention? It leaves the reader confused about ISO. In this article, ISOCERT will not only introduce to you what is ISO definition? Besides, it also brings the most accurate knowledge about ISO from concept, history of development, organizational structure, members, functional tasks of ISO, … that ISOCERT has experienced. best experience to share with our readers. Now let’s learn about ISOCERT about ISO?

1. Introduction to ISO

If you’ve ever read information about ISO like “ISO has 150 member countries” or “ISO has 162 members” … it means that these numbers and information are in the past. Because according to the latest ISO statistics as of October 2020 , ISO has 165 member countries and published 23386 international standards , these are the latest and most accurate numbers and updates. . So what is ISO essentially ? Why do Vietnamese businesses and businesses around the world apply ISO so much? First, let’s go over the basics and primitives of ISO.

1.1. What is ISO?

ISO with full name is International Organization for Standardization ( International Organization for Standardization ) is an independent organization non-governmental (NGO) was established formally in 1947, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland . It is the world’s largest voluntary international standards development organization.

1.2. Name and ISO abbreviation

Because the name “International Organization for Standardization” gives rise to the abbreviations that vary by language (“IOS” in English and “OIN” in French).

Its founders chose a concise name: “ISO”. This name is derived from the Greek iso, meaning “equal”. Regardless of the country or language, the abbreviation for the international standardization organization’s name is always ISO.

1.3. Use language

ISO’s three official languages ​​are English, French and Russian.

2. History of ISO?

  • International organization for standardization, started in the 1920s as the International Federation of National Standardization Associations (ISA).
  • It was suspended in 1942 during World War II, but after the war the ISA was approached by the newly formed United Nations Standards Coordination Committee (UNSCC) with the proposal of establishing a standard new global standards.
  • In October 1946, ISA and UNSCC delegates from 25 countries met in London to examine the future of international standardization and unanimously join forces to form the new International Organization for Standardization.
  • On February 23, 1947, ISO formally formed and created 76 technical committees (groups of experts working on a specific topic).
  • In 1949, the International Organization for Standardization moved its headquarters to Geneva, Switzerland. The Central Secretariat had 5 staff members.
  • The first ISO standard, known as “ISO / R1: 1951” — was first published in 1951 to establish the standard reference temperature for industrial length measurements. Today, the standard still exists (after many updates) as ISO 1: 2002.

Founders of ISO, London 1946 — Photo source: http://kyluc.vn/

  • Over the ensuing decades, ISO created committees and published standards for everything from units of measure to shipping containers and environmental quality.
  • It was not until 1987 that ISO 9001 — one of the most recognizable standards available today — was announced as ISO’s first quality management standard.
  • The ISO 14001 environmental standard was adopted shortly thereafter in 1996, and ISO only increased the output of new guidelines, branching out into areas such as information security, social responsibility, and energy management. and even corporate integrity.
  • In 2018, ISO announced the international occupational safety and health standard
  • ISO 45001: 2018, Occupational health and safety management systems — Requirements and guidelines for use, is a new international standard designed to help organizations of all sizes reduce the number of accidents. work accidents or occupational diseases around the world.
  • Celebrating its 70th anniversary in 2017 , ISO is a strong company in international industries. Today, with 22401 International Standards covering all aspects of business and technology, and members from 165 countries, ISO is always looking towards the future of quality and safety certification.
  • As of 2020 , ISO has 165 member countries and has published 23386 international standards covering all aspects of technology and manufacturing, 792 technical committees and subcommittees responsible for developing standards. standard.

3. What is the organizational structure for international standardization (ISO)?

  • The General Assembly (General Assembly) : Is the highest authority over all ISO work. The General Assembly meets once a year in plenary, comprising all member countries and ISO officials;
  • Board ISO (ISO Council) : Responsible for most management issues. The Council meets twice a year, consisting of 20 members elected by the ISO General Assembly, officers of ISO and Chair of the Policy Development Committee (CASCO, COPOLCO, DEVCO);
  • Management Technical Committee (Technical Management Board — TMB) : Management of technical operations. It is also responsible for the Technical Standards Board and the strategic advisory committee;
  • Secretariat Center (Central Secretariat) : Since the General Executive Secretary;
  • The Technical Committee / Technical Subcommittee (Technical committees / sub — committees — ISO / TCs / SCS) : Conduct research, develop and document standards of the ISO standard format.

4. What are the types of ISO membership?

ISO currently has 165 country members (last updated September 2020). Members of ISO must be the national standardizing body and each country has only one agency / organization to participate in ISO. Individuals or companies cannot become ISO members.

ISO membership is divided into three categories. Each party has a different degree of access and influence on the ISO system. This helps the International Organization for Standardization to integrate while also recognizing the different needs and capacities of each national standards body.

42nd Plenary Meeting of International Organization for Standardization (ISO): Photo source: http://www.vr.org.vn/

Together with ISOCERT learn more about ISO’s members as well as the rights of its members.

Full member:

Full membership influences ISO’s strategy and development by participating in and voting during ISO’s technical and policy meetings. Full member has the right to sell and accept ISO international standards in their own country.

Members of the news agency:

Members of the news agency participate in ISO’s development of standards and strategies by attending ISO technical and policy meetings as observers. Newsletter members can sell and accept ISO international standards in their countries.

Registered members:

Registered members keep up to date on ISO’s work but cannot participate. They do not sell or accept international ISO standards in their country.

5. What year did Vietnam join ISO? What kind of members of ISO does Vietnam belong to?

Vietnamese delegation to ISO 2019. Photo source: http://www.vr.org.vn/

Vietnam (represented as the General Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality) joining ISO in 1977 has made great contributions to this organization.

Vietnam joined the ISO Council for two terms: 1997–1998 and 2001–2002, elected to the ISO Council for the 2004–2005 term; is currently participating as a P member (official or full member) in the 5 ISO / TCs and ISO / SCs, participating as an O member (observing member) for more than 50 ISO / TCs and ISO / SCs

And is a P member of the three functional departments of ISO: DEVCO, COPOLCO and CASCO. So far, there are about 1,380 ISO standards that have been accepted as the Vietnam Standard (TCVN).

The General Department of Standards, Metrology and Quality of Vietnam (STAMEQ) is an agency under the Government, under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), responsible for advising the Government and the Ministry of Science and Technology on state management in the field of pepper. standards, measurement, quality. .

5.1. The main functions and tasks of STAMEQ are:

  • Prepare and submit to competent authorities for approval policies, strategies, plannings, programs, projects and legal documents on standards, metrology and quality of products and goods;
  • Organizing, preparing and evaluating draft national standards; development of international standards;
  • Formulating, maintaining and using national measurement standards; legal metrology management;
  • Coordinate with functional agencies in charge of inspecting the quality of domestically produced, imported and circulated products and goods on the domestic market under the responsibility of the Ministry of Science and Technology;
  • Managing conformity assessment activities (including accreditation) and conformity assessment bodies operating in Vietnam;

6. ISO’s mission?

To promote the development of standardization in order to create favorable conditions for the international exchange of goods and services. With the benefits and effectiveness of applying ISO, nowadays, it is expanding the scope of application for all organizations regardless of type, size and product in both administrative and professional management fields.

Facilitate world trade by providing common standards between countries. More than twenty thousand standards have been established, covering everything from manufactured products and technologies to food safety, agriculture and healthcare.

7. Objectives of ISO

ISO’s goal is to produce relevant, globally relevant International Standards

used everywhere. Which means that:

  • Ensures a consistent and reliable set of standards that are used effectively by industry and deliver recognized benefits to economies.
  • Deliver clear, easy to understand language that is easy to read and user friendly to international standards.
  • Increased adoption of standards as a business performance tool
  • Identify and respond to the changing needs of customers, with a focus on how they want to use and approach ISO standards
  • Develop additional supporting information: An international standard that members can provide to customers when needed
  • Providing a set of international conformity assessment standards applicable to all sectors and all types of conformity assessment helps to ensure that stakeholders have confidence in implementing standards.
  • Implement policies to protect intellectual property rights that are understood and respected by developers and customers

8. Benefits of joining ISO

The use of standards supports the creation of products and services that are safe, reliable, and of good quality.

Standards help businesses increase productivity while minimizing errors and waste. By allowing direct comparison of products from different markets, they enable companies to enter new markets and support the development of global trade on a fair basis.

These standards also aim to protect consumers and end-users of products and services, and ensure that products are certified in accordance with the minimum international standards set.

9. ISO standards development principles

Meet market demand

ISO is not starting to develop a new standard. ISO meets the needs of the industry or other stakeholders such as consumer associations. Typically, an area or group that signals the ISO member’s interest in the country to an ISO member, is then reported to ISO.

Based on global expertise

ISO standards are developed by groups of experts from around the world forming larger groups: technical committees.

Experts negotiate standards to the smallest detail, including their scope, definitions, and key content. For more information see list of technical committees.

Achievement of an integrated process

Technical committees are comprised of experts from relevant disciplines, but are also represented by consumer associations, academia, NGOs and government. For this you can read Who develops ISO standards.

Based on opinion

Development of ISO standards is part of the consensus process and stakeholder observations are taken into account.

10. The most common ISO standards

When things aren’t working as they should, it usually means the standards aren’t there. ISO standards are like a recipe for the best way to do something.

ISO standards are working in the foundation of our daily lives to make things easier, safer and better.

As stated above, as of 2020 ISO has published 23386 international standards covering all aspects of technology and manufacturing. Among them are some of the most commonly applied ISO standards to include:

  • Chứng nhận ISO 9001 — Quality management : To help work more efficiently and reduce product failures. The ISO 9000 series is the world’s most famous quality management standard for companies and organizations of all sizes.
  • ISO 45001 — Occupational health and safety : To help reduce workplace accidents. Minimize workplace risks and ensure that everyone goes home safely with ISO 45001.
  • ISO 27001 — Information security management : Providing security for any type of digital information, the ISO / IEC 27000 family of standards is designed for any size of an organization.
  • ISO 3166 — Country code : Avoid confusion when referring to countries and their subdivisions
  • ISO 22000 — Food safety management : To help prevent food from contamination. Instill confidence in your food products with this line of standards.
  • ISO 14001 Standard — Environmental management : To help reduce environmental impact, reduce waste and be more sustainable. Improve your environmental performance with this standard line.
  • ISO 13485 — Medical devices : Quality management throughout the life cycle of medical devices with ISO 13485
  • ISO 50001 — Energy management standard: ISO standard to help organizations manage their energy performance.
  • ISO 37001 — Anti-bribery management system : Preventing, detecting and dealing with bribery.
  • ISO 26000 — Social responsibility : ISO 26000 Help your organization to operate in a socially responsible way with this International Standard.
  • ISO 31000 — Risk management : Managing risks that can jeopardize your company’s operations with this ISO standard.
  • ISO 4217 Standard — Currency Code : Avoid confusion when referencing world currencies to this standard.
  • Standard 8601 — Date and time format: ISO 8601 is the internationally accepted way of representing dates and times.
  • ISO / IEC 17025 — Testing and calibration laboratories: Tests and calibrations are performed using standard methods, non-standard methods and methods developed by laboratories

11. Conclusion

Above is all the information as well as the most basic knowledge about ISO that ISOCERT shares. Hopefully readers as well as businesses have a better understanding of what ISO is?

As well as helping businesses to equip firm knowledge on the journey to improve product quality and achieve ISO certification of international standards.

Share this article so everyone can have more knowledge if you find the information useful and like it.

Note : ISO does not provide certification or assessment of conformity. You will need to contact an external certification body about that.

You may not know : In September 2020, ISOCERT was accredited by ISOCERT by the Quality Accreditation Office (BOA):

  • From 15.09.2020 ISOCERT is accredited according to Decision №759.2020 / QD-VPCNCL of the BOA on the accreditation of the certification body of the environmental management system (Environment Management System) in accordance with ISO / IEC 17021–1: 2015 and ISO / IEC 17021–2: 2016.
  • From September 15, 2020 ISOCERT is accredited according to BOA’s Decision №757.2020 / QD-VPCNCL on the accreditation of a Food Safety Management System (FSMS) certification body in accordance with ISO / IEC. 17021–1: 2015 and ISO / TS 22003: 2013.

This means that ISO certificates issued by ISOCERT to businesses in the field of environmental management systems, quality management systems, food safety management systems will have the IAF (national accreditation forum). International — gathering of leading accreditation bodies in the world) recognized and recognized internationally.

If your business is looking for a reputable and professional ISO certification organization in Vietnam , don’t forget ISOCERT. Our ISO certification service will help businesses improve their added value and competitiveness.

Still wondering about the cost of ISO certification? ISO certification process? Contact ISOCERT for free online consultation!

Good luck!



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